Iles, George H. (1901-67) Warehouse, packer w S.Print 1949-67; src sn/Aut67
Iles, K. Engineering, fitter w S.Print 1945-67); src Impr v2/2; sn/Spr67
Iliffe, Jack O. Letterpress m/cs, mgr w S.Print {1962-79}; ph; src ManList; FF; snn/15, 22, 75-6; sn/Aug64, Spr65
Ingle, I.C., Dvr. (R.A., Anti-tank) Gravure process w S.Engrv {1941}; src SWn Dec 41
Ingle, Jack T., Cpl. (R.E., Survey Unit) Tone operators, studio [MH] w S.Engrv {1937-45}; ph; src SWn Christmas 42, May 42, May 43; SaW/1/2/3/4
Ingram, Frank (1907- ) Gravure process, mono process mgr; Gravure process mgmnt w S.Engrv, S.Print (1933-70 ret; he was apprenticed at S.Engrv (1923-28) in planning, then went to work at Harrison & Sons where he performed experimental work on Rinco, experience he used when he returned to the Sun in 1933; he soon took over the Rinco dept, which then employed about thirty; he became assistant night process mgr in 1947, a job he did for twenty years until 1967 when he was appointed assistant process production manager; src ManList; FF; Impr v7/2; snn/18; snNov67; Woodard, John
Ingram, H. ? w S.Engrv {1919}; src IllustrIV/5
Ingram, Marcus ? w S.Print 1952-53; src Impr v2/2, 2/8
Ingram, Nicholas S. Gravure process, studio, grinding and polishing, "A" boy, appr to 1968; jnymn w S.Print (1963-68}; src Knights, Trevor; sn/Aug63, Aut65, Chr68
Innocence, Charlie Gravure m/c, asst w S.Engrv {1937-39}; src Garratt, Jack
Inwards, M.I. (Mrs) Canteen, asst w S.Print (1962-64); src sn/Jul62, Oct64
Ipe, ? Gravure m/c w S.Engrv {1933}; src AHlist
Ireland, Derek Gravure process, colour ret w S.Print (1972- }; src Try, John; snn/30
Ireland, Elizabeth (Miss) Ink Factory office w S.Print (1963-66); src ListQ1; sn/Feb63, Aut66; GAlist
Ireland, George Ink Factory, asst; Gravure m/c w S.Print (1962- }; src ListQ1; sn/Oct62
Ireland, Gerald E. (Gerry) (1912-71), Spr. (R.E.) Gravure process, jnymn w S.Engrv, S.Print {1939-71); ph; src SaW/2/3/4; SWn May 42; snn/24; Gardner, Peter; Castle, John
Ireland, M. (Mrs) Office cleaners w S.Print { -1974); src snn/43
Ireton, Keith (s of Ireton, Peter) Gravure process, colour ret, jnymn w S.Print (1973-77}; ph; src Try, John; snn/31, 32, 60; Dryburgh, John
Ireton, Peter (Pete) (f of Ireton, Keith) Gravure process, engrvng, jnymn w S.Print {1966}; src Dryburgh, John; Salter, John A.
Irons, Barry Offset m/c w S.Print (1987- }; src Sillwood, Paul
Irwin, L. ( -1956) Gravure m/c w S.Print (1950-56); src sn/Apr56
Ives, Ernest P.
Etcher, Works Manager,
Director [MH] w Anglo, André, S.Engrv (1902-48}; src
IllustrIV/5; SaW/4; snn/43; Blackie, Doreen
Ivison, Brian Gravure process, jnymn w S.Print {1969-70; 1983- }; src snn/6, 19; Mackenzie, Ernie
Ivison, David (Dave) (son of Ivison, Ted) Gravure m/c, web offset m/c, jnymn w S.Print (1966-85}; src Clarke, Jack; sn/Dec66; snn/9, 19, 26; Harris, John
Ivison, Edward J. (Ted) (f of Ivison, David), L/Cpl. (Military Police) Gravure m/c w S.Engrv, S.Print (1935-79}; ph; src SaW/1/2/3/4; SWn May 42; snn/50, 55, 70-1, 82; Leach, Len; Harris, John
Ixer, G.F. (? F.G.) Engineers, fitter w S.Print (1965-66) / (1967- }; src sn/Aut65, Spr66, Aut67