About the Film
Running at just over 8 minutes, the movie is a copy of an old b&w reel of 16 mm Kodak Safety Film (no audio), entitled “Watford Works,” showing a busy day at the Sun Engraving Company (and possibly also at Rembrandt). The copying process has slightly speeded up the action, which only enhances the sense of bustle and excitement.
Although undated, the original ciné film was made in 1935 or so, as the Sun’s clock-tower pumping station, built in 1934, features in the initial frames. We are taken on a tour of most departments (composition, cylinder room, gravure machine room, bindery, warehouse, and so on) and very roughly follow the path a customer’s project would have followed from planning through delivery.
Reg Farrell, W.T. Blenkarn, Alf Larcombe, and David Greenhill have been identified so far in this film. Can you put names to other faces or provide details on the images?