Key to Abbreviations and Symbols

Note: When we are unsure of a person’s years of employment, we have added a brace { and/or } to indicate uncertainty about the start of employment, the end of employment, or both.

ph photograph on file
Rembr Rembrandt Photogravure (formerly Rembrandt Intaglio Printing)
ret retired (incl. voluntary severance)
s son
Samlist Sun Life ‘lost pensioners’ list (Basil Boden)
SaW The ‘Sun’  at War
S.Comp. Sun Compendium (1929)
S.Engrv Sun Engraving
snSun News
snn Sun News (or Sunews), New Series
S.Print Sun Printers
src information source when other than the individual
SWnSun War News
wworked for
[name]the information came from the individual(s) and/or document(s) shown in bold

Note: The People page also contains armed services abbreviations relating to WWII. We have used the conventional short forms in such cases, and have not included these abbreviations in the list.
( ) parentheses enclose birth & death dates
AFlist Alex Fayer’s list
AHlist 1933 Gravure Machines shift roster (Alan Hoare)
AndréAndré Sleigh & Anglo
Anglo Anglo Engraving Co.
BCPBushey Colour Press
BP British Printer 1914
CRG Papers of Cyril Greenhill
d daughter
EAC Ernest Corp (history and notes)
EMlist Ernie Mackenzie’s list
f father
FFFred Frost (mgmt chart 1945-1988)
[KiA]Killed in action
LeechMiriam Leech
LilienOtto Lilien
ListQ1 List supplied to Jack Clarke at 2005 reunion, source unknown
ManList Management List (Broadsheet Distribution) (Aug. 1969)
Mertle J.S. Mertle, ‘Evolution of Rotogravure’ (1957)
[MH] Milford House
NMPFT National Museum of Photography, Film & Television
NSList Nigel Sutton's list from Cylinder Engraving, c. 1985